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Patric J. Miller
Producer/Arranger (retired)
The fluff and hubbub that comes with 15 minutes
of fame.
and promotion are pretty much the same beast in the
music business. As the saying goes, there is no such
thing as "bad press." I would tend to disagree
(ask Lindsay Lohan). As it all came down, I enjoyed
most of the press and attention for the original broadcast,
as everyone in Eugene, and all of those associated with
it were genuinely enthused and gracious.
There was a wonderful article in the Register Guard...that
has simply dissapeared from my archives (read that a
folder of stuff stuck in the very back of a file cabinet
in my basement, along with clip art and pictures from
The Music News, a music newspaper I published in the
Once we got the Emmy, and the album was in the process
of the "when the hell are they going to release
this thing" mode, I was more mercenary with my
intentions, and frankly, come off as a bit of a jerk
(bit?) in a couple of the interviews. Almost every picture
from that era has me in the same white zip up, and pink
shirt, or cream silk sport jacket and heavily "product
laden" hair. Argh. Don Johnson I was not...but
jeans, sport jacket and white Nikes made me look hip,
without being pretentious. Uhm...right!
Here are a few of the clippings I found in "the
folder." |
is the ad that ran in TV Guide. "The Little Match
Girl" was being touted as the special of the
year, as Cosby was rolling high in the ratings that
We squashed them like a bug, winning our rating slot
and the week.
the press started coming out for previews of the
show, it was fun to read the reviwer's comments,
as they all seemed to enjoy the special in general.
really felt like I had "hit the big time"
when my Father-in-law called to read me the extensive
article in the New York Times (which he got as a
Portland stock broker).
Local press is cool... but having the reviewer for
the NY Times call your music "finger-snapping
good," felt special.
is the online link to the story:
Stills Sent to me in the Claymation Christmas Celebration
Press Kit
for me to use when I was being interviewed.
the Emmy nomination was announced, the articles about
the voting system started (as they do every year).
Peter Farrell wrote an extensive article about the
nomination, and was very flattering, if not aprehensive
about our chances of winning.
I especially like his comment that, "In fact,
I'd rather watch a repeat of it (The Claymation
Christmas Celebration) Sunday than sit through
the dumb awards."
Me too, Peter. Me too.
was a wonderful honor, and I would sound petty to say
otherwise. I would like to thank all of the people who
supported and believed in me through all of the...Never
The Emmy, and the related story are really kind of a
mixed bag. Great fun...and honor...and the beginning
of realizing that I really wanted nothing to do with
the whole "Hollywood" way of life.
The Emmy sits somewhere at what was WVP and is now Laika
(can you say Uncle Phil?)
I have this swell pin, and
the memories of the night.
was an extensive interview about the whole creative
process of the projects, the upcoming release of the
album, and all that went into both.
It was shortly after the Emmy Awards, and was actually
an article that was both factual, and didn't come
off making me sound like an egocentric jerk.
Part of the reason, is that writer, Andy Widders-Ellis,
knew me from other local music connections, so he
had a personal basis from which to position the story.
As he was also a writer for a couple of national music
publications, it covered a lot of the production and
creative process. All and all...not bad press.
article DID make me sound like an egocentric jerk. But after
asking to listen to the tape of the interview, I realize
that Linda actually wrote exactly what I said...just as
I said it.
My bad.
I was
an overly-hip, jerk, caught up in sounding like I thought
someone who had just won an Emmy and was waiting for a major
record label release to come out was supposed to sound.
I guess I was playing a role, rather than just being myself. maybe I was just asking the universe and Karma to
kick me a bit. Oh seeing ourselves through the
eyes of others we grow...right?
I can only hope...
is the full page advertisement that Atlantic took out in
both R&R and Billboard magazines. It was
pretty cool to see it, but was just one more way of flaunting
the Raisins in the promotions...which as I said, inflamed
the legal hassles with Priority records (the OTHER Raisin
record label).
It came out just before Thanksgiving, in a desperate attempt
to offset the late shipping date, brought about by the aforementioned
legal scuffle.
Nobody really knows how many units shipped and sold. I do
know that tons of people bought it overseas (as we have
friends in England) and it was played on radio stations
for more than 10 years following...and yet we never saw
a single copy sold on foreign royalty statements. I also
know that Sam Goody sold more through their chain, than
the entire number of units reported being shipped and sold
for the whole country...again, from an inside source at
Sam Goody.
But hey..."welcome to the record business, kid!"
the case...making the record was a hell of a lot more fun
than living the waiting, sluething game in the two years
following- before we saw the album in cutout bins at discount
OK then... Thanks Atlantic! It was swell doing business
with you.